The Montgomery County Public Library will respond to open record requests according to the updated guidelines provided in the Attorney General Advisory dated June 24, 2021. Library Policies, promotional materials, most library board records, library statistics, and financial information fall under the Kentucky Open Records guidelines. Specific identifying information protected by confidentiality and privacy guidelines cannot be released, or identifying information will be redacted prior to release of records, which could extend the time frame for being able to provide all requested information. That does not mean all requested information can be made available in that time period, however it does mean that every effort will be made to identify information and return contact made to requester in regard to what material is available and estimated time frame for possible submission of requested information.
All open record requests must be immediately forwarded to the Library Director or appointed designee in the absence of the Director. Library staff receiving requests should make every effort to advise Director or appointee in regard to request, to permit a timely response to requester.
Open Records Requests may be made in the following Manner:
Via postal mail TO:
Open Records Request
Montgomery County Public Library
328 North Maysville Street
Mt. Sterling, KY 40343
Via Email TO:
[email protected]
Open records requests must include requester’s name, mailing address, email, and details of records requested or to be inspected. Requestor must also identify if the request is for commercial or non-commercial purpose, and make a statement that they are a resident of Kentucky as defined in KRS 61.