The Montgomery County Public Library offers a wide variety of online resources for learning and research, including additional options for eBooks, genealogy, community, and library archives.
Chilton’s Auto Care Library
The trusted Chilton’s repair manuals in a more portable format. Review step-by-step service and repair procedures, wiring diagrams, maintenance tables, recalls, and more by searching your vehicle through Chilton’s database. Use your library card to log on, and if requested, your PIN will be the last four digits of your barcode number.
Legal Forms
Search Kentucky legal forms to access and print forms such as power of attorney papers, divorce forms, wills, and many more. Most forms offer a fill-in-the-blank format, so you can enter your specific information, make changes if necessary, and print the document. Use your library card to log on, and if requested, your PIN will be the last four digits of your barcode number.
Opposing Viewpoints
Explore all sides of social issues, develop critical-thinking skills, and come to your own conclusions through Opposing Viewpoints. This is a great resource to assist with point of view papers and planning for debates on current topics. Use your library card to log on, and if requested, your PIN will be the last four digits of your barcode number.
Kentucky Virtual Library
The Kentucky Virtual Library is home to many databases such as Novelist, EBSCO informational articles, full text journals, always available eBooks through TeenBookCloud and TumbleBooks for children, plus much more. This is provided as a public service through the Kentucky Virtual Library, so it requires a different password than your library card. Please contact the library for the login information to start exploring!
Peterson’s Test Prep
Ace your exams and excel in your career with prep for high school, college, and graduate exams, plus some career specific test practices. Create a resume and search colleges and jobs through the career exploration resources! Use your library card to log on, and if requested, your PIN will be the last four digits of your barcode number.