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Operation Policies and Procedures

Hours Open

The Montgomery County Public Library, Main Branch, will be open according to the following hours. Hours may be adjusted seasonally based on public request and staffing budget.

Standard hours for the Mt. Sterling Branch Montgomery County Library are:

Monday: 10:00 AM – 7:00 PM
Tuesday: 10:00 AM – 7:00 PM
Wednesday 10:00 AM – 7:00 PM
Thursday 10:00 AM – 7:00 PM
Friday 10:00 AM – 7:00 PM
Saturday 10:00 AM – 2:00 PM

Camargo Hours
Monday – Friday 10:00 AM – 5:00 PM

The Library will be closed for the following holidays, with staff in-service conducted on some closed days.

January 1—New Year’s Day
Martin Luther King, Jr. Day— Staff In service
President’s Day—Staff in service
Last Monday in May – Memorial Day
July 4—Independence Day
First Monday in September—Labor Day
Court Day—Friday and Saturday prior to the 3rd Monday in October
Veteran’s Day— Staff In service
Fourth Thursday in November—Thanksgiving Day
Friday after Thanksgiving
December 24 — Christmas Eve
December 25 — Christmas Day
December 26 – Day After Christmas
December 31 – New Year’s Eve

Some closed Holidays may be officially observed on the Monday immediately following the Holiday.

Special Closing

  • Announcements of closing for days in addition to scheduled Holidays will be made using as many publicly accessible means as possible, including signs on the door, social media, and public media outlets. Temporary emergency closings may be made by the Library Director. The library board may become involved in determining instances of extended closings.
  • The Library may open late or close early during hazardous inclement weather conditions or other situations making it unsafe for the public to visit the library, or for staff to travel to/from the library.
  • The bookmobile will follow a similar plan to school buses during inclement weather. If buses are unable to safely travel, the bookmobile will not be on their road either. The bookmobile librarian shall use his/her own judgment when out on the route and inclement weather is occurring or imminent.
  • Story Hour and Tot Time programs are typically cancelled when school has been cancelled due to weather and/or holiday.
  • Library Supervisory Staff, Library Director, or the Library Board may make changes to typically scheduled programs and library activities as required to maintain safe conditions for library visitors and staff.

Who May Use the Library

  • The library will serve the reading and informational needs of everyone in the area. Library cards may be issued to any in state resident or temporary resident with verification of identity and current mailing address. Out of state cards will require $10 per family annual usage fee, along with address verification. Service will not be denied or abridged because of race, color, age, gender identity, sexual orientation, religion, national origin, disability, veteran status, economic status, or political affiliation. Anyone 14 and over may apply for a library card, using a photo ID and verification of address. Guardians may apply for a library card on behalf of a minor, using the ID and address verification of the guardian.
  • The use of library materials, facilities, or services shall be limited when excessive demands of groups or individuals tend to curtail service to the general public. Such demands may include those made for staff time, available materials, or library space.
  • The use of library materials, facilities, or services may be denied for due cause. Such cause may include failure to return books or to pay penalties, destruction of library property, disturbance of other patrons, failure to follow library policy, objectionable conduct on library premises, or in the interest of health and safety of library visitors and staff.

Registration of Borrowers

  • Borrowers are required to fill out a registration form with accurate information consisting of name, mailing address, telephone number, birthdate, and sign that they will be responsible for all library materials. Two forms of identification are required to obtain a library card. At least one must be a photo ID, and at least one must show the current address verifiable within the past 30 days (such as a piece of mail postmarked in past 30 days, newly issued driver’s license, or personalized checks).
  • Borrowers under fourteen (14) are required to have the signature of a parent or guardian on the registration card. Photo identification of parent or guardian may be used to determine current mailing address.
  • Borrowers may be issued new library cards free of charge after a period of approximately three years. More frequent replacement cards will have a charge of $1 per card. Borrowers will be required to confirm current mailing address and phone number annually.
  • Borrowers with a charge over $20 on their account, may have a block status placed on their library card. Supervisory staff have the authority to make determinations on circumstances permitting patrons to continue using library card after reaching maximum charge on account.

Patron Privacy and Confidentiality

  • All transactions between library staff and patrons are private and confidential. The library is obligated to protect the privacy of its patrons including registration records, circulation records, computer usage, and reference transactions. Information from patron registration records and borrowing records must remain confidential and may not be given to members of the public, or utilized for personal use of library staff.
  • Requests for personal information, circulation records, or patron library usage, including those made by law officials, regardless of the type of subpoena or court order, must be directed to the Library Director, or the appointed substitute in his/her absence.
  • As a measure of identity protection, we will NOT make copies of personal identification or financial information for anyone other than the individual that the ID or information belongs to. The only exception to this will be for an individual that is a legal guardian or POA for another individual and can provide proof of such. (For example: no individual patron or library staff member may make a copy of a Driver’s License for anyone other than the individual that is pictured on the license.)


  • The Public Library welcomes gifts of money and materials. The Library will accept gifts that may be used to serve the best purposes of the library program. Gifts such as books may be added to the collection, sold or given to other educational or community institutions, distributed to individual Montgomery County residents on a first-come first served basis, or discarded. The Library will not accept gifts which do not meet library collection guidelines or uphold library service goals, or that may cost more to maintain than the benefit of ownership will provided to the community.
  • The library is not equipped to house rare and valuable items. It is the general policy not to accept such items except for short periods of time as part of special occasions or exhibitions, or with the specific stipulation that the item may be utilized to generate funds to meet library needs. It is the policy of the Library not to accept special collections of books to be kept together in a separate physical entity. Gift collections may be integrated into the general collection.


  • Memorials are welcomed and encouraged by the library. Memorial donations must meet collection guidelines. Contributor must designate information for memorial placard. Memorial books will be weeded from the collection once they no longer meet collection development guidelines.

Sponsorships / Partnerships

The Library encourages partnerships with public organizations that have goals and missions in accordance with library goals and objectives. Partnerships will be agreed upon based on current patron need, ability for the partnership project to meet current and long range library goals, and availability of time, space, staff, or funding for such activities.

Corporate or Organizational sponsorships may be sought for specific programs, projects, or events. In this situation, Partner groups will be sought as to provide a positive image for the library through the partnership. In return, the library will provide advertising space, and/or give promotional thank you acknowledgements to the organization.

The Library Board and Director reserves the right to select or reject sponsorships or partnerships based on current library mission.

Check-Out Policies


  • The borrower is responsible for the care and prompt return of all library materials borrowed on his/her library card and/or for payment of any fines, damage, or replacement costs incurred. Parents or Guardians signing for a minor’s library card are responsible for materials borrowed on that card.
  • The charge for overdue books, audios, and CD’s is .05 per item per day, up to 1.00 per item. Most audio visual equipment can be checked out for a three day (3) time period, some equipment or difficult to replace library materials require a refundable deposit. Over-due fine for AV equipment is $5.00 per day. DVDs check-out for three days, the overdue fine is $.50 per day, per video, with the maximum fine being $15.00 per video.
  • The default replacement cost for most items is $20.00; unless otherwise specified in the cataloging record for the item. Anyone choosing to purchase a replacement book for one that has been lost or destroyed, instead of paying the replacement costs, must purchase the exact same book, printed by the same publisher, and of the same binding quality, along with paying for library processing costs. All replacement items will require a processing fee as follows:
    • Lost books, audios, DVDs, etc. will cost the price of the item, plus $2.00 for processing.
    • Lost videos must pay for the cost of the item, plus $5.00 for case and processing.
    • Lost DVD or audio case only, $5.00 for case and processing.


  • Notice of overdue materials will be mailed 14 to 30 days after the item is due. If the item remains overdue, a final notice will contain a billing for the cost of replacement, and patron account will be accessed for the replacement charge, plus any applicable over-due fines. Persons owing a fine or having overdue materials that are equal to a value of $20.00 or greater may be blocked from checking out additional items.
  • The over-due fines and replacement costs of inter-library loan materials will be determined by the owning library.

Loan Period

  • Books, audio books, and magazines may be borrowed for a period of two weeks. The renewal period is two weeks. Most items may be renewed two times. Books on the hold for other patrons may not be renewed.
  • The loan period for interlibrary loans is determined by the lending library.
  • The maximum number of books and other library materials that may be borrowed by an individual at any given time is 40 items. A maximum of three adult category DVDs (including PG13, R, and NR), three family or children’s DVDs (children’s, G, and PG) and three educational or unrated DVDs may be checked out on a card at a time.

Displays, Exhibits

Displays, exhibits, etc. by members of the community are encouraged and welcomed. Approval of the Library Director is required for any display in the library. Limitations may be imposed due to physical space and/or scheduling of other exhibits. Assigned public announcements space is typically available. Items posted in public announcements must be of a legal nature and must not contain any harassing or harmful messages. Library staff will periodically review public postings and remove outdated content. Displays and exhibits may not reflect any special political or religious affiliation, nor any racially or sexually discriminatory stance or other harassing messages. Items sold at the library must be limited to those items which directly benefit the library or meet similar goals as established by the library (such as new publications by local authors or items that are specifically related to the county or region). The library cannot sale items or collect funds for organizations other than those directly related to the library.

Promotional Materials and Marketing

The concept behind promotional items or activities is to positively promote the library. If promotional materials or displays are done poorly, or not maintained well, they can do more to negatively impact the organization than they do to create the positive impact that was originally intended. Please remember that all promotional materials carrying the library name have an immediate effect on the overall image of the library.

Printed and digital material should include some form of the library logo. Library staff should remain aware of intellectual property rights, copyrights, or appropriate guidelines for copyrighted material, and/or the intellectual property of others and use appropriate measures to protect all rights when developing marketing materials.

Any item, material, webpage, email address, or other social and print media using the Montgomery County Library name or parts thereof, must be approved by the Library Director, Circulation Supervisor or Marketing Representative prior to display or distribution. Means of accessing online materials or accounts (such as username and passwords,) must be provided to Director and/or Computer Technology Staff at the time of approval and development.

Media contact for anything other than general promotion of specific library programs or services must be approved by Library Director, Library Board Chairperson, or their appointee(s).

Kentucky Model Procurement Code

The Montgomery County Public Library officially adopted standards of the Kentucky Model Procurement Code as addressed in KRS 45A, at the March 2011 Library Board Meeting. Purchasing decisions, contract awards, etc. will be based on provisions made within guidelines set by those standards.

Unattended Child and Library Services for Young People

The safety of all library visitors is of utmost importance. An essential component to that safety is the appropriate supervision and guidance of underage visitors. The library is not sufficiently staffed to effectively supervise minors outside of the limited time allotted to specific library sponsored programs contained in a separate activity room not co-mingled with other public library visitors or spaces. To help protect children while they are utilizing library resources, an unattended child policy has been established as follows:

  • Children age twelve (12) and under must be accompanied by a parent, guardian or responsible adult. Responsibility for the safety and behavior of all children using the library rests with the parent, guardian, or assigned chaperone. Parents may not leave their children under the age of twelve in the Library by themselves, they must be supervised by an adult.
  • The Library staff can not take legal responsibility for an unattended child in case of medical emergencies, appropriate authorities will be alerted.
  • If it is determined that a child is lost or unattended, staff will attempt to locate parent or guardian within the building. If parent, guardian, or chaperone is not in the building, staff will attempt to locate and contact them through information available on library records, or provided by the child. When/if they are located they will be asked to join the child at the library or pick the child up immediately.
  • If a parent, guardian, or chaperone cannot be located, and/or will not be on-sight within 15 minutes, staff will alert the appropriate authorities, including the police and/or Social Services who will assume responsibility for the minor.
  • Under no circumstances will a staff member be authorized to transport an unsupervised minor to another location.

Parents, guardians, or chaperones are are responsible for the behavior of the minors in their care.

  • Disruptive young people may be asked to locate their responsible guardian. Individuals over the age of twelve (12) visiting the library on their own, may be asked to leave the library or make arrangements for transportation to leave the library in the manner in which they arrived. At first notice of disruptive behavior, minor will be asked to stop disruptive behavior; if 1st request fails, minor will be asked to make appropriate arrangements to leave the library. If disruption continues or minor is unable/unwilling to arrange transportation and leave, minor will be informed of library’s right to alert appropriate authorities to come assist with management of the disruption. Staff have been instructed to call the police if continued disruption or dangerous conditions continue.
  • Younger children who are disruptive are expected to be dealt with by their parents or guardians. At first, staff may personally ask the child to be quiet, calm, or redirect disruptive behavior in another manner; if this fails, parent/guardian will be asked to remind children that other visitors share the library, materials, and property. Safe behaviors of visitors is important as well as the necessity to retain personal space and intended use of library spaces by other library visitors. If contact with guardian fails to stop disruption, parents/guardian should be reminded that disruptive minors may be asked to leave the library. If supervised children continue to be disruptive, and safety becomes an issue, minor and adult supervisor will be asked to leave the library.

Children’s Area – Juvenile Area Visitor Policy

The Children’s Library is dedicated to resources and services for juveniles. Visitors to this area over the age of fifteen (15) must be library staff, official library volunteers, or be accompanied by child(ren) in their care. Adults are permitted to visit the children’s area without a child for a limited time period, to retrieve juvenile materials for study or check out, but they cannot linger in the children’s area without the supervision of a child in their care. An exception may be made for adults waiting for the child(ren) accompanying them to exit a library sponsored program. The library maintains an unattended child policy as well. Children 12 and under are expected to visit the library with a responsible guardian who remains on library grounds. Children six and under should be directly supervised by a responsible guardian. Adults not accompanied by children may be asked to leave the Children’s area. All young people and adults may be asked to leave the Children’s Area, or the entire library, if they are unable to behave appropriately.

Teen Area Visitor Policy

The Teen Area is dedicated to resources and services for persons between 12 and 19 years of age. Visitors to this area over the age of nineteen (19) must be library staff, official library volunteers, or be accompanied by a teen in their care. Adults are permitted to visit the teen area unaccompanied for a limited time period, to retrieve materials for study or check out, but they cannot linger in the teen area without the supervision of a teen in their care. Adults unaccompanied by teens may be asked to leave the teen area. All young people and adults may be asked to leave the teen area, or the entire library, if they are unable to behave appropriately.

Behavior and Expectations

All library visitors have the right to expect a safe, friendly environment where they may use library materials and services in their intended manner free from disruption and/or harassment. Any library visitor creating a dangerous, hazardous, disruptive, or harassing situation may be asked to leave. Any library visitor causing harm to library property or preventing other library visitors from using library property in the manner in which they are intended to be used may be asked to leave. Depending on the circumstances and immediate necessity of removing the situation, patrons creating unwanted situations may be asked to stop negative behaviors. If patron is unwilling or unable to stop dangerous, hazardous, disruptive or harassing behaviors, library staff have been instructed to contact appropriate authorities to manage the situation, or remove the patron creating the situation.

Photos / Videos / Recordings by Media, Public, or Private Individuals

Photos/videos/recordings are permitted in the Library in limited circumstances. No one is allowed to take photos/videos/recordings in non-public spaces such as staff breakrooms, offices, or workspaces.  It is not permissible to take photos/videos/recordings in the Library restrooms because there is an expectation of privacy in those areas. Photos/videos/recordings must not intrude upon or invade the privacy of other visitors using the Library. Photos/videos/recordings may not prohibit, impede, or distract library visitors or staff from utilizing the library for its intended function. Photos/videos/recordings in the library should not monopolize library workers’ time or interfere with the performance of their duties. Filming that interferes with. Harasses, or disrupts other library visitors or library workers will be addressed by the library’s behavior policies.  Minors under 18, express consent from the child’s legal guardian is required.  If a person wants to set up a formal photo session, or if a local news organization wants to take photos/videos/recordings, they need to request permission from the Library Director or their designee.

Americans with Disabilities Act

Policy Statement and Action Plan


The Montgomery County Public Library will comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), providing equal access for all to the services of the public library and to employment within the public library system.

The Library Director and Board of Trustees will have responsibility for developing a program for ADA compliance.

Services / Access

The library will review the building for necessary structural improvements and will work to implement these improvements as funds are available.

Programming and Public Information

Provisions will be made to assist individuals with disabilities at programs upon the individual’s request. Information concerning the accessibility of programs will be provided in all program announcements.

Reference and Information Requests

The library collection includes materials in alternative formats, including large print materials and audio cassettes. The library will purchase videos with closed captions if available. There are interlibrary loan services for additional materials. On request, bookmobile service will provide materials to homebound individuals unable to come to the library.

Staff Training

The library will encourage the development of staff awareness and sensitivity to serving patrons with disabilities. All staff will receive ongoing training to ensure proper attitude, enable them to provide assistance, and emphasize the library’s responsibility to persons with disabilities.


The library will make reasonable accommodation in order to hire the most qualified applicant for any available position. The library will adhere to nondiscriminatory hiring practices. A new job application has been adopted, in accordance with ADA. The library will make reasonable accommodations in work sites and equipment in accordance with ADA.

Anti-Smoking Policy

In order to conform with the Pro-Children Act of 1994 (20 U.S.C. ss 6081), the Montgomery County Library has adopted an Anti-Smoking Policy which prohibits smoking in the library, community room, or on the bookmobile. Smoking is prohibited within 25 feet of the library or the playground area.

The Pro-Children Act of 1994 prohibits smoking in any facility used by state or local governments for the routine provision of health, day care, education, or library services to children. However, the Act is not limited to government agencies but also applies to non-government entities which receive federal funds and buildings constructed or maintained with federal funds as set forth in the federal statute. The provisions of the Act took effect on December 26, 1994. The penalty for violating this act is a fine not to exceed $1000 for each violation, or subject to an administrative compliance order, or both as determined by the Secretary for Health and Human Services. [20 U.S.C. SS 6083 (f)]. Each day a violation continues constitutes a separate violation.

Food & Drink Policy

Meeting Rooms

Visitors to our meeting rooms are permitted to have any type of food or drink, with the exception that no alcoholic beverages are permitted. Groups are permitted to bring in food, use a catering service, etc. However, sufficient time should be scheduled in the meeting room for set-up and take down of food associated items, to prevent running into time scheduled by other groups or organizations. Groups bringing in food prior to the opening of the library, must make arrangements with library staff when the application is made for room use.

Main Library

Drink containers with a tight sealing lids are permitted throughout the main library area. Food is permitted in select areas of the main library, including children’s area, quiet study, café tables near the circulation desk, and the reading patio. Food is prohibited in other areas of the main library. Informal or unscheduled groups may request to use a meeting room to eat when the room schedule permits.

Dangerous Weapons Policy

In accordance with Kentucky Statute, the Montgomery County Public Library will not restrict the right of adult library users from carrying concealed or unconcealed deadly weapons onto the library grounds or premises, in the legally prescribed manner.

  • Library staff members are instructed to contact the police immediately in any situation where the behavior of a person causes a substantial disturbance or threat, with the presence of a dangerous weapon being of special significance. The unnecessary brandishing of a dangerous weapon, under any circumstances, will be considered just cause for contacting the police.
  • Per KRS 527.100, the Montgomery County Public Library prohibits juvenile users (those under the age of 18) from carrying handguns, except in the circumstances prescribed by KRS. 527.100. The police will be contacted in any instance where it is reasonably believed a juvenile possesses a dangerous weapon on library property.

Legal Assistance

Library Staff are not permitted to provide any type of legal assistance or assistance related to legal filings. (For example staff may make copies of tax forms, but they are unable to advise which form to use. Staff may recommend a website to review or print a Living Will, but they are unable to advise which type of living will is needed. If library staff are asked to make a copy of a document and that document is then used in an illegal manner, library staff cannot be held responsible for trying to determine the authority or legal use of that document, other than to request verification of identity when making copies of ID cards.)

Library Staff cannot make copies of anything that would be considered a copyright infringement. (For example, copyright guidelines place limitations on the amount of an item that may be copied and the number of copies made.)

Some library staff offer Notary Public Service. A photo ID is required for everyone requesting and or signing a document for notary service. Library staff are not permitted to notarize documents that have already been signed, unless the notary stamp and seal is affixed specifically adjacent to each signature. Library staff are not permitted to notarize any auto title or transfer document. Library staff are not required to notarize any document that they do not understand or feel uncomfortable with. Library staff are not authorized to determine which parties sign which portions of a document, the signatories are required to advise the Notary.